Our Committee 

and how to contact us 

The following people were elected to the Management Committee for 2024 / 2025

President:  Heather Graham  -  president@16avetheatre.co.nz   or phone 021 021 95 555 

Vice Presidents:  Merv Beets and David Guy - info@16avetheatre.co.nz

Secretary:   -  Sam Denize - secretary@16avetheatre.co.nz

Treasurer:  Dennis Fenwick  - treasurer@16avetheatre.co.nz

Technical DepartmentJohn ten Velde - technical@16avetheatre.co.nz 

Refurbishment Working Group Facilitator:  Rob Weatherley  - info@16avetheatre.co.nz 

Management Committee Sarah Bate;  Klara Luxford-Rulisek;  Pete Luxford 

The following teams work alongside our Management Committee to assist with the efficient running of the theatre.  

Reading Committee:   Julie Lankshear  - info@16avetheatre.co.nz

FOH Co-ordinator:  Bev Hodges  - foh@16avetheatre.co.nz

Marketing Team Facilitator: Ali Young  - marketing@16avetheatre.co.nz 

Property Management and Maintenance:  Jack Visser  - info@16avetheatre.co.nz 

Wardrobe Manager:   Kay Burnie - info@16avetheatre.co.nz